
       As the summer continues to heat our country and other parts of the world, a little rain is needed to keep our plants hydrated on this dry season. You might have sowed some seeds from the past weeks or any of your little beauties are inevitably trying to pop up and get bigger on their little pots, well if you plan to replant them here’s some important things to bear in mind.

A baby succulent

     It is important to determine the type of plant you are moving, for instance a baby succulent above. In that stage, though it is still tiny it can be best moved into a bigget pot while it is easy to do so. But, bear in mind that in that stage the plant can be very sensitive and fragile, you can make the base a bit wet to soften the soil thus pulling or using something to push the plant from the base up without causing damage to the roots can be easily done. Make sure not to damage the root as it can be fatal to the plant itself.

A baby succulent perfect for repotting
Dwarf Sansevieria

Another thing, if you plan to repot a stronger plant like the above (dwarf sansevieria plant) it best done while it is at this stage. Consider a bigger pot enough for it to grow freely, this tropical perennial herb of the agave family usually yields strong fiber and that means its roots can be very strong as well. This plant makes it hard for us to repot it once it has grown bigger already,  that is why in this young stage it can be a prefect time to repot it. Still consider any measures, try not to damage the roots by softening the soil to make it easy to pull it up slowly. This plant is not just a good ornamental plant but as well as a good source of oxygen and can be placed indoor.

A baby succulent

This might be poor to see but through proper care it can grow to be one of the bests. It is normal for us having such like an abnormal growth of plants, there are so many factors affecting its growth. But, when the plant iself can get sufficient sunshine and water it will heal itself. For young succulent like this, expose it in an indirect sunlight as too much heat from the sunshine can scortch its leaves, and do not make a creamy mixure of soil with too much moist, it can rot the baby plant. Succulents can grow well even in a dry soil, better let it enjoy the dry than to kill it with the moist.

Dwarf sansevieria

Look at the mixture of soil above, it is a well mixture of a fertile soil. Sansevieria are versatile plants, meaning when it comes to soil selection they most can cope up but giving them the balance mixure of fertile soil means they will show more beauty in return. It is important to remember that young plants are vulnetable to damage and diseases as well, wait till you think it is best for them to be repotted without waiting them to be acquainted well with their temporary pot because it will affect them in some ways.

   Do you have plans on repotting your plants? Share your process and progress upon doing so and we will be happy to share them as well.

- Bliss

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